To create and provide services that minimize daily transit time, integrating them to existing public transportation services, using renewable energy sources and developing smart ways of generate, store and use energy, generating more independence and freedom to individuals, empowering them to transform society into a human-environmental focused ecosystem.

ArqBravo Group
Spark Awards 2013 in Transportation Finalist: Galleries BONDI SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION Press release (spanish) View_HTT+BONDI View Design and Album

ArqBravo Group, dedicated to Sustainable Mobility, offered our BONDI System to give structural, design and support services to HYPERLOOP (energy for operation of 100% renewable sources, plus the necessary accumulation for continuous operation, connected to the smart grid), integrating our other systems of medium and short distance to solving the problem of the last mile. Press release (spanish)
To become a global leader in innovation, creation, integration and execution of new ways of moving things, people and data in a more sustainable and efficient way.

Direct communication with the Founder: arqbravo [at] Direct communication for Investors: investors [at]